I thought I would share with you some stuff that I have recently found, read, watched, or listened to that I now love.
1. Butterfly Flower fragrance by Bath and Body Works.
I got the spray for Christmas and I think it smells great.
My mom doesn't like it though, which is a bummer. But it makes me quite happy. :)
Like I have mentioned before, I heart her. Her songs apply perfectly to my life.
If you haven't already, you must check out her cd. Soooo good.
I went shopping yesterday and found me a pair of these. I'm not much for skinny jeans.
I never found them very comfortable and they never fit me right.
But these are quite stretchy and comfy. So if you're looking for a comfy pair of
skinny jeans, you should check these out.
This is a really really really good book. I love how it had a mix of Christianity, mystery,
romance, and excitement. I think I have found a new favorite authoress. :)
Check it out on Amazon. Not too long ago they had it for free for Kindle.
I'm not sure if they still do but, it's worth a try.
One word- yum.
I love these because they aren't too sweet and they make a great quick snack.
And if you want to make it sweeter and more unhealthy, you can do what I sometimes do.
Put cream cheese frosting on them. Oh my yes.
That's what I am talking about.
If you like to ha ha ha, this is for you.
I have been a fan of Mr. Timmy for quite a while now.
I saw him live last year at the Cincy Homeschool convention,
and I am gonna see him again this year! Booyah!
I have also seen all of his dvds because each one is so dang funny!
Insanitized is his newest one and I am actually writing this while I watch it for the 2nd time.
(you won't regret it)

What?! There are cinnamon sugar ritz? How can I not have known this??? I love Francesca, I just heard a new song of Francesca's this morning, it's wunderbar!
Oooh I just adore Bath and Body Works. I'm going to have to check that scent out, along with that CD! I've heard a few of her songs, and I do like them, but I've never worked up the ambition to preview some of her other stuff. Perhaps, now I will! ;D
~Lauren :)
Nice list. :D Have the book..now I just need to read it. :P Ha, the ritz crackers sound yummy. :D Youth is having a movie night next Wednesday...Jeff wanted to suggest Tim Hawkins....oh Jeff. haha :P
LOVE Tim Hawkins.. and Francesca... :)
katy sue- i know, her newest song is so good. both me and my mom love it!
lauren- you should. i love her voice and style. :)
beth- that would be a good one to watch. he always has a little something for everybody. lol
rae- me too sista! ;p
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