"Dim the lights, time for the results." Just hearing good ol' Ryan Seacrest say that makes my heart stop...and I'm not even on the show!
I am a big American Idol fan, even though I only began watching it a few years ago.
Comparing the seasons I have seen, I believe that this year is the best.
The contestants are unbelievably talented, and the new judges fit right in.

Ok, I'll admit it. When I first heard that Simon was quiting, I vowed that I wouldn't get into the American Idol spirit this year.
And when I heard that Steven Tyler was going to take his place...I knew my American Idol experience was over!
But It seriously hasn't been that bad, in fact....I like these judges better! (of course the dog, Randy, is still there.)
So, I thought that I would just share with you some of my favorite contestants this year.
He looks like a little chipmunk with those big brown eyes and cute high voice!
Actually, he sounds quite alot like Bruno Mars....which I love!
He has great stage presence and is quite expressive with his hands.
(as you can see in each
He has trouble keeping his eyes open though... ;p
Thia is my sisters favorite. She is cute, classy, and the same age as my sissy. She is so laid back and calm, it's really quite crazy. She has a gorgeous, smooth, mature voice that makes me shudder. How in the world could a little 15 year old sing that well???? Another reason why my sister and I like her is because her sense of fashion is ADORABLE!!! I love every single thing she wears. Period.
Naima is an "exotic flower". She is so fun and happy and wears the brightest clothes you can imagine! I just love the way she dresses so exotically and different. I am always looking forward to seeing what she has on. I don't think her voice is good enough to keep her on the show for much longer though. But she is definitely fun to watch.
Oh, Scotty. How I love ya. Your voice I mean. If you love Josh Turner, you will adore this guy. His voice is seriously deeper than Josh's....and he is only 17!!! It's actually rather creepy...but I love it. Everytime I hear him hit a really low note, I get tingly all over. I see this guy lasting a looong time. I could hear him on the radio right now!
Pia is the next Celine Dion. I haven't heard her hit a bad note yet. And it is like she doesn't even try! I seriously think she is the best out of the girls and should get to at least the top 3. The only reason I see her not making it that far is because she doesn't have too much of a personality. And unfortunately, alot of people base their votes on personality, not voice. I seriously think Pia should sing Beauty and the Beast...she would rock.
Jacob Lusk...the boogie man. At least, that's what I call him. He makes me laugh so much! He is sooo happy all the time and when he gets excited... he. gets. excited. I can't imagine having that much energy! When he sings... he is in a whole other world. He puts so much emotion in his songs and has such a large range. Out of everyone, I think this guy is the best. He almost is so good...he shouldn't even be on the competition. I can see him having his 2 hour concerts now! I know I would go!
Haley is a jazzy lady. She has the prettiest smile in the competition. If the competition was about beauty, she would have it in the bag. Her voice is so unique. At first the growly sound she had kind of annoyed me. But now I am beginning to like it. I never know what kind of song she is going to pick, and whether she will growl, riff, or yodel. Although she has been in the bottom 3 quite alot, she is personally one of my favorite contestants.
Speaking of the bottom 3.....can you believe what happened at the last result show? I just about fell out of my seat. Sexy Casey (if you watch the show, you will understand why I said that) and bottom 3 never even entered my mind. He is the most popular contestant on the show! He has a really cool, growly, bluesy voice and his personality is so blunt. He is so funny and relatable. I almost passed out (exaggerating) when they saved him! ********************** Hopefully at least some of you readers watch the show. But if not, I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into the American Idol world. This year is a great year (especially compared to last year....ick) and I wish all the contestants could win. But they can't so.... let the competition begin!

I am in love with the show American Idol too, girl! I've watched it since then beginning off and on...yeah, last season really did stink! Anyway I thought I'd dislike this season too because Simon was gone...and Steven Tyler is WAY WEIRD...but I am actually enjoying the serious talent that they have going on this season. Sexy Casey! ;-) Oh yes, I am a big fan! lol I also REALLY like Jamed Durbin!! None of the ladies are really floating my boat this season, although I do think that Thia and Haley have great voices I wouldn't wanna buy their cds probably.
Scotty is just interesting isn't he?? My boyfriends family and Scotty's family are old time friends from way back when...they used to do a bible study together. Small world huh? Also my Great Aunt taught Chris Daughter throughout Elementary school...neat huh? =)
awesome fellow fan! wowers! so have you met scotty? that is so cool, it really is a small world.
yea i do like james also, i like them all but i couldnt post all of them. james reminds me alot of adam lambert, only more normal. ;p
Agreed. James Durbin sounds a lot like Adam Lambert, okay, well, kinda, but he is definitely more normal and less scary to me! =P
No, I haven't met Scotty. My boyfriends parents knew the McCreery's, but I don't remember if they said they'd talked to them recently or not. They did know each other well a few years back though...
P.S. I meant to say "Chris Daughtry" above and well, I guess my keys were sticking on my keyboard or something when I typed that comment out! ;-) Haha!
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