So I am sure that it is getting pretty chilly where most of you all live now.
I don't know about you but, I am finding myself getting lazy with the way I dress.
It's cold, dark, and often wet....and I am always in a hurry to go somewhere
or am not going anywhere at all.
I catch myself throwing on either sweat pants or jeans with the same few shirts
over and over again.
I have come to the conclusion that this
Fall and winter is the time to be creative and fun with your style.
You can layer, mix and match, and try so many cool things.
Here are a few interesting fashion ideas to consider during this cold part of the year.
Maxi dresses are usually summer attire right?
Not necessarily, you can put that maxi dress to use in the winter as well!
Just throw a sweater or long sleeve shirt over it, add a belt if you wish,
slip on your boots, and voila. A comfy wintery look.

How bout some bright tights? I have some purple and blue ones that I often wear....
but I just love the look of these red ones.
They would spice up any outfit I'm sure. :)
But what about adding your boyfriend's shirt to the set?
Under a cute sweater?
I like it.
Any hat.
Hats add so much to an outfit, and keeps your head warm.
Hello! Win win situation here!
Oh, and see her shoes?
Yea....I want them.
Some flowery pattern with some strips? around!
Ask your friends or your fellow blog followers what they think of your combination.
You will never know till you try.
In the winter, I never wear a skirt without them.
(unless I trade them in for tights)
But hello!! Where can I find some like the ones below?
I love it!
Are some of these ideas crazy and out of your comfort zone? too.
But I need to snap out of this lazy college attitude of wearing the same comfy baggy
clothes all the time...and start playing around and being creative again.
(Don't worry, I have never worn my pjs to class before.)